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Fractal 008


The Wire - n°193 - March 2000 (UK)

Jean-François Pauvros's other sparring partners over the years have included figures as diverse as Rhys Chatham, Wasis Diop, Arto Lindsay, Evan Parker and ex-Modern Lovers Ernie Brooks (on 1993Žs Musiques pour Anne Dreyfus). Bassist Brooks again plays alongside Pauvros on Rinçures, the latest offering from an artist even less prolific than the guitarist - singer/writer/film maker Michel Bulteau. After two mythic albums with his group Mahogany Brain, Bulteau settled in New York and befriended the likes of Williams Burroughs, Alan Vega, Patti Smith and Lou Reed, whose proximity imbued his work with an authentic sense of urban apocalyptic No Wave gloom, crosspollinated with Antonin Artaud-like violence. Unlike Reed, he can actually read damn well, and Pauvros is content to underpin his extraordinary texts with discreet but chillingly sensual harmonic substrata on his trademark bowed guitar. To quote Pauvros, "The inner ear is an erogenous zone without limit", and what the assembled company get up to here proves him right.
Dan Warburton

Nova Magazine - n°72 - Décembre 2000 (France)

Poézie électrik
Se souvient-on de Michel Bulteau, qui, en 1970, eut l'idée sauvage avec quelques sbires de mixer rock débridé, poésie rimbaldienne, cut-ups et alcools forts ? Lorsque paraît Le manifeste électrique aux paupières de jupe, Bulteau se perd dans la neige new-yorkaise, la France dort, le punk ne l'a pas encore survoltée. Puis Bulteau est devenu l'infréquentable de salon, un piéton de Paris Est, traversé par sa longue silhouette à la Jack Palance, un garçon aux éternelles semelles de vent, un gai danseur. Ces Rinçures doivent beaucoup à la guitare et aux claviers de Pauvros et à la basse de Ernie Brooks.
Philippe di Folco.

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